Your Student Association

The Student Association at Durham College, UOIT and Trent in Oshawa


The structure of Your SA is designed to ensure that all major financial decisions are accountable to the student body.

The Board of Directors is an umbrella organization that serves as a supervisory body to Your SA. All major monetary decisions are approved by the Board to ensure wise decisions are made. The Board of Directors is divided into 5 sections.

The executive members of Your SA make up a portion of this board, as well as representatives from various faculties at Durham College, UOIT and Trent in Oshawa. In addition, non-voting members constitute a segment of the Board of Directors. Below the Board of Directors is the executive team.

The executive team of Your SA are responsible for representing you, the student. They are here to answer all questions and deal with any concerns you may have as a student. The executive team are also responsible for planning and implementing great programs which create positive student life on campus.

The operational staff are here to support the executive team and to help make our experience on campus exciting and fun. The communications coordinator is responsible for promoting campaigns and events around campus.

Our events programmer is responsible for assisting with the planning and implementation of events on and off campus.

The role of our service coordinator is to look after business related to clubs and the student insurance plan.

Without the collaboration between Your SA and the operational staff, events such as CampusFest, bus trips, clubs, intramurals and much, much more could not be accomplished. The support of these hard working individuals is essential to operating a successful, unique campus.

There are many committee chairs that also contribute to Your SA. Student clubs and the Student Clubs Committee fall under this heading. If you’re interested in getting involved, committees are a great way to do so.